Adorno, T.W. 1978, Minima moralia : reflections from damaged life, Verso, London.
Allen, Kieran. 2000, The Celtic Tiger: The Myth of Social Partnership, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Alliance for Progessive Labour. Fighting Back With Social Movement Unionism: A Handbook for APL activists, viewed online 12th August 2006.
Aronowitz, Stanley. 2001, ‘The Politics of Identity: Class, Culture, Social Movements,’ Routeledge.
Art and T. Turner (eds), Irish Employment Relations in the New Economy, Dublin, Blackhall Press, pp. 222–258.
Bagguley, P. 'The Individualisation of Class Struggle,' Leeds Sociology Department, viewed 9 July, 2006
Bailey, C. 1997. 'Towards a Global Labournet,' LaborMedia '97 Conference Seoul, 10th-12th November, Korea, Viewed 14th August 2006.
Barrett, A Bergin, A Duffy, D. 2005, ‘The Labour Market Characteristics and Labour Market Impacts of Immigrants in Ireland’ The Economic and Social Review, Vol 37 No 1, pp1-26
Baumann, Z. 2001, Beilharz, P. (ed) The Bauman Reader, Blackwell.
Beck, U. 1992, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity, Sage, London.
Beresford, Ellis. 1972, History of the Irish Working Class, Victor Gollancz, London.
Borgers, F. 2000. 'The Clouds Clear: Seattle and Beyond,' viewed 15th August 20th 2006.
Borgers, F. 1996. ‘The challenge of economic globalisation for US labor’, Critical Sociology, 22(2)
Bowring, Finn. 2004, 'From the mass worker to the multitude: A theoretical contextualisation of Hardt and Negri's Empire' Capital and Class,Summer 2004, viewed Augsut 11th 2006
Boyd, Andrew. 1985, The Rise of Irish Trade Unions, Anvil Books, Tralee.
Brand, KW. 1990, 'Cyclical Aspects of New Social Movements', Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK. pp 24 - 41
Braverman, H. 1974, Labour and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the 20th Century, Monthly Review Press.
Breathnach, P. 2002. 'Social polarisation in the post-fordist informational economy: Ireland in international context'. Irish Journal of Sociology Vol 11 No 1, pp 3-22
Brinton, Maurice. 1968, ‘Paris May 1968: An Eye Witness Account from Solidarity,’ Flag Blackened, Viewed 10th August 2006 <>
Burgmann, V. 2004,‘Striking Back Against Empire: Autonomist Marxism and Globalisation’paper presented to the Australasian Political Studies Association, Conference University of Adelaide.
Burgmann, Verity. 2004, 'Striking Back Against Empire: Autonomist Marxism and Globalisation' Australian Political Studies Association, University of Adelaide.
Castells, Manuel. 1997, The Information Age, Vol 2: The Power of Identity, Blackwell Oxford.
Churchill, W & Wall, Vander J. 1990, The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Domestic Dissent, South End Press.
Clark, I. Almond. P. Gunnigle P. & Wachter, H. 2005, ‘The Americanisation of the European business system?’ Industrial Relations Journal 36:6, pp494–517
Cleaver, Harry. 2000, ‘Introduction.’ Reading Capital Politically, Viewed online 6th August 2006
Cleaver, Harry. 2000b, Reading Capital Politically, AK Press.
Connolly, James. The Future of Labour, Marxist Archive, viewed 5 July, 2006,
Cotgrave, S. & Duff, A. 2003 2003, 'Middle Class Radicalism and Enviromentalism' Goodwin, Jeff & Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK, pp64-
Coulter, Colin and Coleman, Steve. (eds) 2004, The End of Irish History? Reflections on the Celtic Tiger, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Cox, L. 1995, 'Sociology and the roots of protest: a critique of the 'new social movements' problematic' International Research Network on Environment and Society 4th Annual Conference, Keele University, viewed August 10th 2006
Cox, L. 2003, "Eppur si muove: thinking 'the social movement'." Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 9th annual conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, viewed August 10th 2006
Croucher, R. & Brewster, C. 1998, 'Flexible working practices and the trade unions,' Employee Relations, Vol 20, Issue 5, pp 443 - 452
dalla Costa, Mariarosa & James, Selma. 1972, 'The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community', Libcom, viewed August 16th
Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK.
Darnovsky, M. Epstein, B. Flacks, R. 1995, Cultural Politics and Social Movement, Temple University Press.
Diani, Mario, 1992. 'The concept of social movement.' The Sociological Review 40: 1-
Drudy, P & Punch, M. 2000, ‘Economic restructuring, urban change and regeneration: the case of Dublin,’ Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 29, 155-212.
D’Arcy, Fegus & Hannigan, Ken. (eds) 1988, Workers In Union: Documentaries and Commentaries on the History of Irish Labour, Stationery Office, Dublin
Eagleton, T. 2004, After Theory, Basic Books.
Fairbrother, P.& Gerard Griffin. (eds) 2002, Changing Prospects for Trade Unionism. Comparisons between Six Countries, Continuum, London/New York.
Ginsborg, P. 2003, A History of Contemporary Italy, Palgrave.
Greary, JF. & Roche, WK. 2001, ‘Multinationals and Human Resource Practices: A Rejection of the ‘New Conformance Thesis,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management Vol 12, Number 1, p 109 - 127
Gunnigle, McMahon and Fitzgerald. (eds) 1999 Industrial Relations In Ireland Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Gill and MacMillian.
Gunnigle, P, Collings, David G & Michael Morley. 2005, ‘Exploring the dynamics of industrial relations in US multinationals: Evidence from the Republic of Ireland,’ Industrial Relations Journal 36:3, pp 241–256
Gunnigle, P., M. O’Sullivan and M. Kinsella. 2002, ‘Organised Labour in the New Economy: Trade Unions and Public Policy in the Republic of Ireland’, D’
Art, D and Turner, T (eds), Irish Employment Relations in the New Economy, Dublin, Blackhall Press, pp. 222–258.
Gurr, Ted R. 1970 Why Men Rebel, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
Hall, Peter. 1996, ‘Cities of tomorrow : an intellectual history of urban planning and design in the twentieth century,’ Blackwell, Oxford.
Harman, C. 1998, The Fire Last Time 1968 and After, Second Edition, Bookmarks, London.
Hearn, Denis. 1998, Inside The Celtic Tiger: The Irish Economy and The Asian Model, Pluto Press, UK.
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1959, Primitive Rebels: Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Manchester University Press, UK.
Holloway, J & Callinicos, A. 2005, 'Can We Change The World Without Taking Power? A debate between John Holloway and Alex Callinicos World Social Forum, 27 January 2005,' International Socialism, Issue 106, viewed 9th August 2006
Holloway, J. 2002, 'Beyond Power. Chapter Three from "Change the world without taking power,' The Commonor No. Four, viewed 12th August 2006
Hyman, Richard. 1971, ‘Marxism and the Sociology of Trade Unionism,’ Pluto Press, London.
Hyman, Richard. 1997, 'Imagined Solidarities: Can Trade Unions Resist Globalization?' University of Warwick, viewed online 13th July 2006.
Inglehart, R. 1990, 'Value, Ideology and Cognitive Mobilisation' Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK. pp 43 – 66
Inglehart, R. 2003, 'Changing Values in Post-Industrial Societies' Goodwin, Jeff & Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK. pp 65-71
Inglehart, R. 2003, 'Changing Values in Post-industrial Societies' Goodwin, Jeff & Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK, pp64-71.
Inglis, M. 1998, Moral Monopoly, The rise and fall of the Catholic Church in modern Ireland, Gill and Macmillian, Dublin.
Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK.
Kaase, M. 1990, 'Social Movements and Political Innovation', Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK. pp 67 - 83
Katsiaficas, George 1987 The Imagination of the New Left: A Global Analysis of 1968. South End, Boston.
Kostick, Conor. 1996, Revolution in Ireland: Popular Militancy, 1917-23, Pluto Press.
Lazzarto, M. 1996, 'Immaterial Labour,' Generation Online, viewed 15th August, 2006.
Lindenschmidt, JW. 2004, 'From Virtual Commons To Virtual Enclosures: Revolution and Counter-Revolution In The Information Age' The Commoner, viewed August 15th 2006,
Marx, K. 1976, Capital volume 1, Penguin
McCarthy, John D & Zald, Mayer N. 1977, ‘Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory’ American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 82, No. 6, pp. 1212-1241
Moody, K. 1997, Workers in a Lean World: Unions in the International Economy, Verso, London.
Moody, K. 1998. 'American Labour: A Movement Again?' Wood, EM, Meiksins & Yates, M. Rising From the Ashes? Labour In the Age of "Global Capitalism, Monthly Review Press, New Work, pp 57-72
Morley, M, Gunnigle, P & Haraty, N. 1995. “Developments in Flexible Working Practices in the Republic of Ireland.” International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 16, No. 8, 38–58.
Negri A. & Hardt, M. 2000, Empire, Harvard University Press, Harvard.
Negri, A. 1978, La Classe Ouvriere Contre L’Etat. Edition Galilee, Paris.
Negri, A. 1991. Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse, Pluto, Lodon.
Negri, A. 1982, 'Archaeology and Project.. The Mass Worker and the Social Worker', Libcom, viewed 9th August 2006.
Negri, A. 1988, Revolution Retrieved: Selected Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects, 1967-83, , trans. Ed Emery and John Merrington, Red Notes, London.
Negri, A. 1989, The Politics of Subversion: A Manifesto for the Twenty First Century. Polity, Cambridge.
O'Connell, M. 2001. Changed Utterly: Ireland and the New Irish Psyche, Liffey Press Dublin.
Olsen, Johan. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts.
Punch, M., Redmond. D. & Kelly, S. 2003, “Restructuring the Divided City: Gated Communities and Socio-Economic Change in Dublin’s Inner City”. Paper to the Gated Communities Conference: Building Social Division or Safer Communities, Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
Robins, K. & Webster, F. 1981, 'Information Technology: Futurism, Corporations and the State’ The Socialist Register vol 18, viewed 10th August 2006.
Roche & Ashmore. 2002, ‘Irish Unions Testing the Limits of Social Partnership’ p146 (eds) Peter Fairbrother and Gerard Griffin. ‘Changing Prospects For Trade Unionism: Comparisons Between Six Countries,’ Continuum, London.
Roche & Guinnigle. (eds) 1995, The Labour Relations Commission Seminar Series: New Challenges to Irish Industrial Relations, Oak Tree,Dublin.
Roche, W. K. 2001, ‘Accounting for the Trend in Union Recognition in Ireland’, Industrial Relations Journal, 32, 1, pp37–54.
Roche, WK & Geary. 2003, 'Workplace Partnership and the Displaced Activist Thesis.' Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 34, pp. 32-51
Roche, WK & John F. Greary, 2000 “Collaborative Production” and the Irish Boom: Work Organisation, Partnership and Direct Involvement in Irish Workplaces. The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 31, No. 1, January, pp. 1-36
Roche, WK, Fynes & Morrisey. 2006, 'Working Time and Employment. A Review of International Evidence.' International Labour Review, vol 135, no2.
Roche, WK. 1995, “Competition in the New Industrial Relations Agenda” Guinnigle & Roche (eds), New Challenges to Irish Industrial Relations, Oak Tree Press Dublin.
Roche, WK. 1998, ‘Between Regime Fragmentation and Realignment; Irish Industrial Relations in the 1990’s’ Industrial Relations Journal Vol, 29, p112
Roche, William K & Murphy, Thomas V. (eds) 1994, Irish Industrial Relations in Practice, Oak Tree Press, Dublin.
Roche,WK. and Geary, J. 1995, 'The Attenuation of 'Host-Country Effects? Multi-nationals, Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining in Ireland.’ Working Paper IR-HRM No 94-5
Rude, George. 1967, The Crowd In The French Revolution, Oxford University Press, UK.
Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK.
Sennet, R. 1998. The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism, Norton, NY.
Silver, Beverly J. 2003, Forces of Labour. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Stirling, John. 2005, ‘There's a new world somewhere: The rediscovery of trade unionism’ Capital & Class, Autumn 2005, viewed 5 June 2006
Sweeney, P. 1997, The Celtic Tiger: Ireland”s Economic Miracle Explained, Dublin: Oak Tree Press.
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Thompson, E.P. 1980, The Making of the English Working Class, Pelican.
Thompson, EP. 1971, ‘The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century’ Past and Present, No. 50 (Feb., 1971) , pp. 76-136
Treu, T. 1992, “Labour flexibility in Europe”, International Labour Review, Vol. 131 No. 4 , pp. 497-512.
Tronti, M. 1965. 'The Strategy of the Refusal,' Libcom, viewed 14 August 2006.
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Waterman, P. 1999. 'Needed: A New International Labour Movement for(and against) a Globalised, Networked Capitalism', Conference on Organised Labour in the 21st Century, viewed 12th August 2006
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Aronowitz, Stanley. 2001, ‘The Politics of Identity: Class, Culture, Social Movements,’ Routeledge.
Art and T. Turner (eds), Irish Employment Relations in the New Economy, Dublin, Blackhall Press, pp. 222–258.
Bagguley, P. 'The Individualisation of Class Struggle,' Leeds Sociology Department, viewed 9 July, 2006
Bailey, C. 1997. 'Towards a Global Labournet,' LaborMedia '97 Conference Seoul, 10th-12th November, Korea, Viewed 14th August 2006.
Barrett, A Bergin, A Duffy, D. 2005, ‘The Labour Market Characteristics and Labour Market Impacts of Immigrants in Ireland’ The Economic and Social Review, Vol 37 No 1, pp1-26
Baumann, Z. 2001, Beilharz, P. (ed) The Bauman Reader, Blackwell.
Beck, U. 1992, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity, Sage, London.
Beresford, Ellis. 1972, History of the Irish Working Class, Victor Gollancz, London.
Borgers, F. 2000. 'The Clouds Clear: Seattle and Beyond,' viewed 15th August 20th 2006.
Borgers, F. 1996. ‘The challenge of economic globalisation for US labor’, Critical Sociology, 22(2)
Bowring, Finn. 2004, 'From the mass worker to the multitude: A theoretical contextualisation of Hardt and Negri's Empire' Capital and Class,Summer 2004, viewed Augsut 11th 2006
Boyd, Andrew. 1985, The Rise of Irish Trade Unions, Anvil Books, Tralee.
Brand, KW. 1990, 'Cyclical Aspects of New Social Movements', Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK. pp 24 - 41
Braverman, H. 1974, Labour and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the 20th Century, Monthly Review Press.
Breathnach, P. 2002. 'Social polarisation in the post-fordist informational economy: Ireland in international context'. Irish Journal of Sociology Vol 11 No 1, pp 3-22
Brinton, Maurice. 1968, ‘Paris May 1968: An Eye Witness Account from Solidarity,’ Flag Blackened, Viewed 10th August 2006 <>
Burgmann, V. 2004,‘Striking Back Against Empire: Autonomist Marxism and Globalisation’paper presented to the Australasian Political Studies Association, Conference University of Adelaide.
Burgmann, Verity. 2004, 'Striking Back Against Empire: Autonomist Marxism and Globalisation' Australian Political Studies Association, University of Adelaide.
Castells, Manuel. 1997, The Information Age, Vol 2: The Power of Identity, Blackwell Oxford.
Churchill, W & Wall, Vander J. 1990, The COINTELPRO Papers: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Domestic Dissent, South End Press.
Clark, I. Almond. P. Gunnigle P. & Wachter, H. 2005, ‘The Americanisation of the European business system?’ Industrial Relations Journal 36:6, pp494–517
Cleaver, Harry. 2000, ‘Introduction.’ Reading Capital Politically, Viewed online 6th August 2006
Cleaver, Harry. 2000b, Reading Capital Politically, AK Press.
Connolly, James. The Future of Labour, Marxist Archive, viewed 5 July, 2006,
Cotgrave, S. & Duff, A. 2003 2003, 'Middle Class Radicalism and Enviromentalism' Goodwin, Jeff & Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK, pp64-
Coulter, Colin and Coleman, Steve. (eds) 2004, The End of Irish History? Reflections on the Celtic Tiger, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Cox, L. 1995, 'Sociology and the roots of protest: a critique of the 'new social movements' problematic' International Research Network on Environment and Society 4th Annual Conference, Keele University, viewed August 10th 2006
Cox, L. 2003, "Eppur si muove: thinking 'the social movement'." Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 9th annual conference. Manchester Metropolitan University, viewed August 10th 2006
Croucher, R. & Brewster, C. 1998, 'Flexible working practices and the trade unions,' Employee Relations, Vol 20, Issue 5, pp 443 - 452
dalla Costa, Mariarosa & James, Selma. 1972, 'The Power of Women and the Subversion of the Community', Libcom, viewed August 16th
Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK.
Darnovsky, M. Epstein, B. Flacks, R. 1995, Cultural Politics and Social Movement, Temple University Press.
Diani, Mario, 1992. 'The concept of social movement.' The Sociological Review 40: 1-
Drudy, P & Punch, M. 2000, ‘Economic restructuring, urban change and regeneration: the case of Dublin,’ Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 29, 155-212.
D’Arcy, Fegus & Hannigan, Ken. (eds) 1988, Workers In Union: Documentaries and Commentaries on the History of Irish Labour, Stationery Office, Dublin
Eagleton, T. 2004, After Theory, Basic Books.
Fairbrother, P.& Gerard Griffin. (eds) 2002, Changing Prospects for Trade Unionism. Comparisons between Six Countries, Continuum, London/New York.
Ginsborg, P. 2003, A History of Contemporary Italy, Palgrave.
Greary, JF. & Roche, WK. 2001, ‘Multinationals and Human Resource Practices: A Rejection of the ‘New Conformance Thesis,’ International Journal of Human Resource Management Vol 12, Number 1, p 109 - 127
Gunnigle, McMahon and Fitzgerald. (eds) 1999 Industrial Relations In Ireland Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Gill and MacMillian.
Gunnigle, P, Collings, David G & Michael Morley. 2005, ‘Exploring the dynamics of industrial relations in US multinationals: Evidence from the Republic of Ireland,’ Industrial Relations Journal 36:3, pp 241–256
Gunnigle, P., M. O’Sullivan and M. Kinsella. 2002, ‘Organised Labour in the New Economy: Trade Unions and Public Policy in the Republic of Ireland’, D’
Art, D and Turner, T (eds), Irish Employment Relations in the New Economy, Dublin, Blackhall Press, pp. 222–258.
Gurr, Ted R. 1970 Why Men Rebel, Princeton University Press, New Jersey.
Hall, Peter. 1996, ‘Cities of tomorrow : an intellectual history of urban planning and design in the twentieth century,’ Blackwell, Oxford.
Harman, C. 1998, The Fire Last Time 1968 and After, Second Edition, Bookmarks, London.
Hearn, Denis. 1998, Inside The Celtic Tiger: The Irish Economy and The Asian Model, Pluto Press, UK.
Hobsbawm, Eric. 1959, Primitive Rebels: Studies in Archaic Forms of Social Movement in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Manchester University Press, UK.
Holloway, J & Callinicos, A. 2005, 'Can We Change The World Without Taking Power? A debate between John Holloway and Alex Callinicos World Social Forum, 27 January 2005,' International Socialism, Issue 106, viewed 9th August 2006
Holloway, J. 2002, 'Beyond Power. Chapter Three from "Change the world without taking power,' The Commonor No. Four, viewed 12th August 2006
Hyman, Richard. 1971, ‘Marxism and the Sociology of Trade Unionism,’ Pluto Press, London.
Hyman, Richard. 1997, 'Imagined Solidarities: Can Trade Unions Resist Globalization?' University of Warwick, viewed online 13th July 2006.
Inglehart, R. 1990, 'Value, Ideology and Cognitive Mobilisation' Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK. pp 43 – 66
Inglehart, R. 2003, 'Changing Values in Post-Industrial Societies' Goodwin, Jeff & Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK. pp 65-71
Inglehart, R. 2003, 'Changing Values in Post-industrial Societies' Goodwin, Jeff & Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK, pp64-71.
Inglis, M. 1998, Moral Monopoly, The rise and fall of the Catholic Church in modern Ireland, Gill and Macmillian, Dublin.
Jasper, James M. (eds) 2003, The Social Movement Reader Cases and Concepts, Blackwell, UK.
Kaase, M. 1990, 'Social Movements and Political Innovation', Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK. pp 67 - 83
Katsiaficas, George 1987 The Imagination of the New Left: A Global Analysis of 1968. South End, Boston.
Kostick, Conor. 1996, Revolution in Ireland: Popular Militancy, 1917-23, Pluto Press.
Lazzarto, M. 1996, 'Immaterial Labour,' Generation Online, viewed 15th August, 2006.
Lindenschmidt, JW. 2004, 'From Virtual Commons To Virtual Enclosures: Revolution and Counter-Revolution In The Information Age' The Commoner, viewed August 15th 2006,
Marx, K. 1976, Capital volume 1, Penguin
McCarthy, John D & Zald, Mayer N. 1977, ‘Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory’ American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 82, No. 6, pp. 1212-1241
Moody, K. 1997, Workers in a Lean World: Unions in the International Economy, Verso, London.
Moody, K. 1998. 'American Labour: A Movement Again?' Wood, EM, Meiksins & Yates, M. Rising From the Ashes? Labour In the Age of "Global Capitalism, Monthly Review Press, New Work, pp 57-72
Morley, M, Gunnigle, P & Haraty, N. 1995. “Developments in Flexible Working Practices in the Republic of Ireland.” International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 16, No. 8, 38–58.
Negri A. & Hardt, M. 2000, Empire, Harvard University Press, Harvard.
Negri, A. 1978, La Classe Ouvriere Contre L’Etat. Edition Galilee, Paris.
Negri, A. 1991. Marx Beyond Marx: Lessons on the Grundrisse, Pluto, Lodon.
Negri, A. 1982, 'Archaeology and Project.. The Mass Worker and the Social Worker', Libcom, viewed 9th August 2006.
Negri, A. 1988, Revolution Retrieved: Selected Writings on Marx, Keynes, Capitalist Crisis and New Social Subjects, 1967-83, , trans. Ed Emery and John Merrington, Red Notes, London.
Negri, A. 1989, The Politics of Subversion: A Manifesto for the Twenty First Century. Polity, Cambridge.
O'Connell, M. 2001. Changed Utterly: Ireland and the New Irish Psyche, Liffey Press Dublin.
Olsen, Johan. 1965. The Logic of Collective Action, Harvard University Press, Massachusetts.
Punch, M., Redmond. D. & Kelly, S. 2003, “Restructuring the Divided City: Gated Communities and Socio-Economic Change in Dublin’s Inner City”. Paper to the Gated Communities Conference: Building Social Division or Safer Communities, Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
Robins, K. & Webster, F. 1981, 'Information Technology: Futurism, Corporations and the State’ The Socialist Register vol 18, viewed 10th August 2006.
Roche & Ashmore. 2002, ‘Irish Unions Testing the Limits of Social Partnership’ p146 (eds) Peter Fairbrother and Gerard Griffin. ‘Changing Prospects For Trade Unionism: Comparisons Between Six Countries,’ Continuum, London.
Roche & Guinnigle. (eds) 1995, The Labour Relations Commission Seminar Series: New Challenges to Irish Industrial Relations, Oak Tree,Dublin.
Roche, W. K. 2001, ‘Accounting for the Trend in Union Recognition in Ireland’, Industrial Relations Journal, 32, 1, pp37–54.
Roche, WK & Geary. 2003, 'Workplace Partnership and the Displaced Activist Thesis.' Industrial Relations Journal, Vol. 34, pp. 32-51
Roche, WK & John F. Greary, 2000 “Collaborative Production” and the Irish Boom: Work Organisation, Partnership and Direct Involvement in Irish Workplaces. The Economic and Social Review, Vol. 31, No. 1, January, pp. 1-36
Roche, WK, Fynes & Morrisey. 2006, 'Working Time and Employment. A Review of International Evidence.' International Labour Review, vol 135, no2.
Roche, WK. 1995, “Competition in the New Industrial Relations Agenda” Guinnigle & Roche (eds), New Challenges to Irish Industrial Relations, Oak Tree Press Dublin.
Roche, WK. 1998, ‘Between Regime Fragmentation and Realignment; Irish Industrial Relations in the 1990’s’ Industrial Relations Journal Vol, 29, p112
Roche, William K & Murphy, Thomas V. (eds) 1994, Irish Industrial Relations in Practice, Oak Tree Press, Dublin.
Roche,WK. and Geary, J. 1995, 'The Attenuation of 'Host-Country Effects? Multi-nationals, Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining in Ireland.’ Working Paper IR-HRM No 94-5
Rude, George. 1967, The Crowd In The French Revolution, Oxford University Press, UK.
Russel, J, Kuechler, M & Burklin. 1990 ‘The Challenge of New Movements.’ (eds) Dalton, Russel J & Kuechler, M. Challenging the Political Order: New Social and Political Movements in Western Democracies, Polity Press, UK.
Sennet, R. 1998. The Corrosion of Character: The Personal Consequences of Work in the New Capitalism, Norton, NY.
Silver, Beverly J. 2003, Forces of Labour. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Stirling, John. 2005, ‘There's a new world somewhere: The rediscovery of trade unionism’ Capital & Class, Autumn 2005, viewed 5 June 2006
Sweeney, P. 1997, The Celtic Tiger: Ireland”s Economic Miracle Explained, Dublin: Oak Tree Press.
Thompson, E.P. 1967, ‘Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism’ Past and Present, No. 38, pp. 56-97
Thompson, E.P. 1980, The Making of the English Working Class, Pelican.
Thompson, EP. 1971, ‘The Moral Economy of the English Crowd in the Eighteenth Century’ Past and Present, No. 50 (Feb., 1971) , pp. 76-136
Treu, T. 1992, “Labour flexibility in Europe”, International Labour Review, Vol. 131 No. 4 , pp. 497-512.
Tronti, M. 1965. 'The Strategy of the Refusal,' Libcom, viewed 14 August 2006.
Turner, T, D. D’Art & P. Gunnigle. 2002, ‘MNCs: A Challenge to European Trade Unions.’ The Irish Journal of Management
Vosko, L. 2000, ‘Temporary Work: The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship’ University of Toronto Press, Toronto.
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