Monday, May 08, 2006

Risk, Society and Social Theory. Elaine Draper, Contemporary Social Theory, Vol. 22, No 5 (Sep, 1993), pp 641 - 644.

In the risk society Beck argues that we have reached an advanced stage of modernity that "is freeing itself from the contours of the classical industrial society and forging a new form - the (industrial) "risk society" p9 in Becks Risk Society.

Becks idea that we live in an age of global endagerment where not only the proletariat is faced with risk, but mangerial and commerical classes equally are due to the threat of enviromental disaster etc. Enviromental struggles also have a class edge, as enviromental racist assesments show. Class society also carries a level of endangerment for those within its upper echelons, in the invisible injuries of class.

in the context of the workplace Becks postulates a post fordist conception of employment.


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